Bloody sticks!
First thing I noticed: somehow, the music was PERFECT with the entire flash. I loved the sound effects and watching how the sticks die. So creative. =D Great work!
Bloody sticks!
First thing I noticed: somehow, the music was PERFECT with the entire flash. I loved the sound effects and watching how the sticks die. So creative. =D Great work!
Thanks so much!
Wow, the sex scene was disturbing. But what's more disturbing is that I enjoyed it. =p
Great movie, I really liked it.
P.S. I want voices for Lucca! Maybe I can do it. =p
Glad you enjoyed the movie. Mr. Chocobo was supposed to do Lucca's voice (to make it funnier) but he hasn't been on AIM all day :(
Thanks for this great tutorial!
I've been trying to create test flashes with lightning for a while, and this tutorial answered a lot of questions that I had. Great work and I hope you pump out some more tutorials!
Most welcome. When I first post pictures with the effect, I was asked how it was done. Was too cumbersome to type it all out. :)
I Can't See (Turn on the lights!)
Well, the drawings were excellent, and the story was decent, but it was too dark to actually see anything. Also, the story starts off exciting and promising, but ends unexpecedly fast, mediocre ending.
Other than that, good work.
Yay!... I... think....
Well, The cottage should be getting
some flood lights for the football
pitch they have out the back, and the
gardener should be comming on
tuesday to cut back all that nasty
folliage that's blocking out the light...
Oh! And the cleaner should be
comming round soon to scrub all
that blood of the walls... so it should
be a lot brighter then.
Until then, you will have to deal with
the suspense and eerieness that the
movie implies by concealing
everything but the path and the lone
Thanks for the review, and happy halloween!
Nice movie..
..but a very boring concept. Other than that, I am enjoying the series. Try to spice things up with jokes or something.
went for that approach in the first one, but my comedy's not that funny :)
Haha, this movie was hilarious. I really enjoyed episode one of the series, and I can't wait for L1F3 epi. 3 (if you plan on making one). Oh yeah, is that you playing Survivor's Eye of the Tiger in the end? Well, it was pretty good.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the good review, and The song is 'Eye of the Tiger' by CKY
You have me excited..
..for future episodes. This episode was a blast, and I remember trying to protect it before about a week ago or so, but sadly, it was blammed.
Well, I'm glad to see it passed this time, and I'm loving the movie. I hope you can perfect your flash skills, and deliver some awesome episodes in the future.
Keep up the great work man!
i submitted a preview of it a few days ago, not the finished episode, and it did make it through. im going to make sure the quality of the following episodes at least surpass this episode. i wrote out most of the story the other night too and even surprised myself with most of it. if you liked this episode you should be sucked into the rest and not let go. also, my flash skills improve tenfold with each flash i make so u shouldnt be let down. thx for the great review
This is totally not SlipperyMooseCakes
Age 34, Male
Sellersville, PA
Joined on 8/30/03